Q&A With The Owner of The Vow Exchange: A Conversation on How COVID-19 Has Impacted Her Business, The Couples, and The Entire Wedding Industry
We at “Merried” wanted to take a moment to talk about how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted our little corner of the world. The world of weddings has been rocked this past month and likely won’t return to its original state for some time. We knew the one person best suited to speak on this would be Kathryn Hogan, owner of The Vow Exchange Events, which manages Kansas City’s intimate wedding venues The Vow Exchange Chapel and The Chapel on the Corner. We wanted her unique insight on how the virus and stay-at-home orders have affected these venues, couples wanting and needing to get married, and the wedding industry as a whole. She answered all of our questions and then some and we are so excited to share her unique point of view with you!
Q: What is the #1 thing you’d like to tell brides & grooms who are dealing with the heartbreak of postponing their wedding?
A: It's so hard. It would be like spending years to earn a degree, then finding out you can't graduate and get your degree for another year or more. And that "degree", that piece of paper that opens doors be it a job or the official decree you are family, means being able to move forward in your life. It's hard to put it all on hold, to put your life on hold. For me personally, I would be happy to have an official ceremony (with just our parents in attendance) just to get that piece of paper followed by a lovely intimate dinner. And assuming your guests are well and in good health, that big celebration can truly happen later. It will be just as joyous if not more so when this is all behind us.
Chelsey & Ryan share a loving smooch!
Q: What has been the most difficult pArt of this whole thing for you as The owner of a wedding venue?
A: Knowing some of our couples who can not afford to wait, may miss this very soulful and human experience. We have a couple in which the groom is terminally ill. He only has months at best, but likely just weeks left. Having to cancel his wedding during the stay at home order, knowing he does not have the luxury to reschedule it for later, is absolutely heartbreaking for me (and all of us at The Vow Exchange). Postponing is hard, but not being alive long enough to postpone is unimaginable.
Q: Follow up, Has there been a single day that has been the hardest?
A: The day the Mayor announced that gatherings of more than 10 people will not be permitted was a doozy. I was actually in Texas visiting my family when I got the word. It was the first time the reality that this will affect the weddings for dozens of our couples came to pass. To be honest, we had no idea what to do. I am beyond grateful for our event manager Amy, who was on the phone with me for hours while we sorted out who this will affect and what solutions we could offer them. Needless to say it was a 3 cocktail night that night.
Andrea & Ryan embrace after being officially wed!
Q: Can you tell us how this impacts Vow Exchange couples uniquely?
A: The Vow Exchange is a popular solution for many couples, but most especially for those who are needing to celebrate a wedding sooner than later. We have the unique ability to organize a really lovely wedding celebration from beginning to end in the matter of days. As I mentioned earlier, some couples really don't have the luxury of planning a wedding several months out in advance. Whether it be a terminal illness, a military deployment or several other reasons, our couples are often the ones who are needing to tie the knot now. When the virus shuts down our ability to host those weddings, that can put some of our couples in a real pickle.
Shony & Monty get their special day just weeks before being stationed in Alaska.
Q: What are your thoughts on how this might impact the industry as a whole in the months & years to come?
A: It's going to be a rough next 8 - 18 months for sure. I've been reading extensively on how officials will begin to bring things back to normal, but from what I've read it won't be an immediate switch back to the way things were for the next several months. Likely smaller gatherings under 50 will be allowed, but larger events and weddings will likely not be for quite some time. For couples not willing to wait to tie the knot, the result will be smaller, more intimate celebrations for the time being. For vendors who rely on larger headcounts, like event halls & caterers, this will be an especially tough time for them.
“They give me hope that we will be okay no matter what this challenge throws at us!”
Q: What has been a source of inspiration during this difficult time?
A: Truthfully, my team!!! In the past few weeks during the slow down, I have been beyond impressed with how my team of vendors has responded by creating innovative solutions to our new reality. Our sales team recently put together the most AH-MAZING video tour of our Crossroads venue so folks can get a "tour" of our venue from their homes. Additionally, one of our photographers has stepped up to the plate in helping me develop a virtual wedding solution that we hope to roll out at the end of the month. Though I'm not surprised by their awesomeness, it does always inspire me to watch such brilliant minds work. They give me hope that we will be okay no matter what this challenge throws at us!
Kathryn, Kristen, and Amy celebrating on Kristen’s big day!