Below is our Payment, Cancellation & Refund policy required at the time of booking.

Deposit (non-refundable)

2 Hour Packages: $200 due at time of booking
4.5 Hour Packages:
$400 due at time of booking
plus $800 due 3 MONTHS prior to event date (DOES NOT APPLY TO COUPLES WHO BOOKED BEFORE 5/15/2018)
"MINI" Packages: Full balance due at time of booking

Payment method: Credit or Debit Card only


Event balance due 14 days before date of the event.

Payment method: Cash, Check, Credit or Debit Card



• The client shall pay a deposit to hold a date and time at their selected venue. The deposit is $200 for all two-hour packages and $400 with an additional deposit of $800 due 3 months prior to the event date for all four-hour package bookings made on or after 5/15/2018, and the full package price for all “MINI” ceremonies. The deposit shall be applied to the total cost of the package but is NOT transferable to a different venue location.
• The client shall pay for their entire package, in full, no later than midnight 14 days prior to their event date. If the client fails to pay the full payment when due, then The Vow Exchange may cancel all or portions of its (and its vendors’) services.

• The client may not cancel their event or package except as provided in this agreement.
• The client may cancel their event any time prior to 14 days before their event date and, upon such cancellation, The Vow Exchange shall be entitled to retain (or if not yet paid, payment of) the applicable deposit plus an amount equal to The Vow Exchange’s out of pocket expenses.
• The client may cancel their event, providing their event is 90 minutes in length or longer, any time on or after 14 days before their event date and, upon such cancellation, the Vow Exchange shall be entitled to retain (or if not yet paid, payment of) the greater of 50% of the total amount for payable by the client for the event or an amount equal to The Vow Exchange’s out of pocket expenses.
• If client cancels their event as permitted in this agreement, then The Vow Exchange (a) will refund the client any sums which it holds in excess of the amount it is entitled to retain under this agreement and (b) may immediately make the client’s event date and time available to other customers.
• The agreement of The Vow Exchange to host the ceremony including officiating, photography, flowers and designated venue is subject to proven delays and/or cancellations by accidents, riots, strikes, epidemics, acts of God, or any other legitimate conditions beyond their control. If such circumstances arise, The Vow Exchange will use commercially reasonable efforts to find a replacement. If The Vow Exchange be unable to secure a replacement to host the ceremony, client shall receive a full refund.

• The client may only make changes to their event or package as provided in this agreement.
• Changes to packages – The client may request to change their package to a comparable or higher-tier package at any time prior to 14 days prior to their event date and the Vow Exchange will use commercially reasonable efforts to accommodate the request but is not obligated to do so. If a client requests to change their package, all payments including non-refundable deposits shall apply to the newly selected package.
• Changes to event dates – The client may request to change their event date to another available event date at any time prior to 14 days prior to their event date and the Vow Exchange will use commercially reasonable efforts to accommodate the request but is not obligated to do so. If a client requests to change their date, all payments including non-refundable deposits shall apply to the newly selected date. All deposits and payments are not transferrable to a different client for a changed date.